Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas at the Wollenweber's house...

Ethan is now overflowing with toys! He loves his new blue recliner and walker from Grandma & Grandpa Wollenweber. He had so many presents that they wouldn't even fit in the car. More pics to come, but here is Ethan relaxing in the new recliner, laying on the blanket playing with his cousin, and hanging out in the new walker (he loved chewing on that yellow flower).

Celebrating Christmas at Home...

Our first Christmas as a family was amazing! We started on little sleep and Ethan doesn't nap so well away from home, so I was a bit nervous about how his mood would turn out. He did great all day long. It was just one of those times when you look back on your life and realize how blessed you are. I have an amazing, supportive husband who has turned into a wonderful Dad and now an adorable son that is growing up before our eyes. I couldn't ask for more!
We spent Christmas morning at home opening presents and then went to spend the day with Grandma & Grandpa Wollenweber and all of Ethan's cousins. Here are some pics from our time at home in his xmas PJs. Cuddling with Mocha, laying in the middle of his presents, and enjoying some wrapping paper!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas 2011

Here are a few of our Christmas photos for this year. I know everyone thinks their kids are cute, but I just can't get over how much I love this adorable little guy! He won't understand too much of what goes on this year for Christmas, but he does love to look at the lights on the tree. Its crazy that this year has went by so fast, but I can't wait to see what awesome things are in store for 2012!

Thanks to my friend Amy Reeds for the great photos! :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Not a fan of Butternut Squash!

I've been busy making baby food purees - sweet potato, butternut squash, acorn squash, and pears. It was actually an easy process and we have over 100 ounces (about 50 servings) in the freezer. He has only had cereal so far, so tonight we tried butternut squash. I mixed some with the rice cereal and he loved it, but as you can tell by the funny faces below, he didn't so much care for the squash!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Aunt Jackie Loves Me...

Aunt Jackie got us this shirt before Ethan was born. It was 3-6 month size, so he's now able to wear it. Here he is showing off the double handed thumb suck while sporting his shirt!

Marshmallow arms...

I think baby arm wrinkles are adorable and Ethan has lots of them. We like to affectionately call them "marshmallow arms". He is getting really good at pushing himself up on his arms (here is a video) and he'll occasionally attempt to sit-up. He is way more interested in standing, but you can see how he props himself up on his arms. It only lasts a few seconds before he falls forward, but he is getting stronger every day (sorry for the blurry photo - he moves too fast!). Ignore the 5lbs he gained in the 2nd photo, these are both from today, so I think it's just bad photography. I'll blame that one on Pat... :)

More attempts with cereal...

Well, we've tried a few more times with cereal - sometimes he loves it and can't get enough, other times he seems confused and frustrated. He likes the taste, but I think he gets mad that his belly doesn't get full fast enough. We're trying to go slow and give him some time to adjust. Once he gets the hang of cereal, we'll move on to other Stage 1 foods such as sweet potato, squash, green beans, apple, banana, avocado, and pear. I can't wait to start baking/steaming and pureeing my own food! Here is a video of Ethan enjoying some cereal (this was one of those confusing times): Eating Cereal - YouTube Video

5 Months Old...

Ethan turned 5 months old on November 30th - time is flying by! In the first few months, I remember thinking what a "big kid" he'd be by 6 months. Now he's almost there and he still feels like a baby. I'm enjoying these days more and more, because there is more interaction with us and you can tell he understands certain things in his surroundings. He knows that home means comfort and safety; he is definitely calmer in his own environment. He loves watching the dogs - they are pure entertainment. We can play "peek a boo' and other games and he actually laughs. It's hard to catch photos where he isn't grabbing his feet, but I think it's so cute (especially when he tries to put them in his month!). He sees something and reaches for it now, where before his arms didn't seem coordinated enough to actually grab it. The smiles get bigger and more frequent each day... the fun is just beginning!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

First Attempt with Cereal...

Well, I feel like our first attempt at solids was a fail! I've been so excited to give him some cereal, but the Dr. waited us to wait until we started supplementing with formula and he didn't seem satisfied with milk. He has been acting a lot hungrier than normal (read: cranky), so we decided it was time.

This is another one of those "unknown" areas for me, so I'm not sure we had the consistency right and I forgot to warm the cereal. At first, he seemed interested and liked the taste, almost like he couldn't get enough. Then it all came running out of his mouth, but I think we had it too runny. A few spoonful attempts later and he started fussing. He wanted OUT of the chair and was done. He quickly became more interested in the spoon than actual eating. Hmm... so not exactly as I had imagined, but we'll probably try again one morning when he is in a better mood. Here are some pics:

"Here, let me help!"

"This is different and even kinda fun!"

"I'll just bite on the spoon. Mom, give me my bottle back."