Wednesday, February 29, 2012

8 Months Old...

Ethan just turned 8 months old. These past few months have been (by far) the greatest so far! With learning how to sit up and crawl, he is able to interact a lot more. He is constantly babbling and frequently sounds like he is saying "Dad". It's so hard to tell when that first word really happened, but now it sounds like he repeats it over and over. His night sleep is great , his naps are so much more consistent and they are starting to lengthen past 30 minutes. Most of all, I love the smiles and laughs! I really don't think he could be a happier baby.

Our 8 month pictures weren't very successful, because he is no longer interested in sitting still. Either way, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen and I love him dearly! :)

Basking in the Sunshine...

Warm sunshine coming in the windows + freshly mopped floor = Sweet, happy baby!

I just can't get enough of his smiles and he has LOTS of them. Today when he woke up from his morning nap, it was sunny outside and he got so excited about crawling over to the window. I let him go without pants and socks for a few minutes and I think it made his day! We're so blessed to have such a happy little guy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Becoming a piano player...

He loves playing the piano on this musical table he got for Christmas. Mostly, he likes to try pulling himself up to a standing position, but it isn't sturdy enough for that.

I was trying to video tape his playing, but he ended up turning for the camera every time. He is constantly full of smiles! :)

Discovering grass at the park...

Ethan was too small last year to play, so he didn't get to discover the joys of hanging outside. It was 60 degrees today, so we went for a walk and played on a blanket at the park. In the first pic, he is testing out the feel of the grass - brown and dry, but that's about all we have in Illinois. I love his facial expression in the last pic... he was in awe of the sun and being outside. We've been cooped up for too many months and we both can't wait for spring!

Checking out the kitchen floor...

Ethan's greatest new discovery is the kitchen floor. Now that he can crawl, he gets so excited when headed for something that he doesn't normally get to play with. He army crawls across the carpet until he is barely there, and then stretches out his arm to touch the tile. Today was the first today he moved beyond the "barrier" and kept going - he was all smiles as he scooted across the tile.

Comfy PJs...

Ethan and I did a lot of hanging out last week at the house last week. It was snowy and we didn't want to get out, so Ethan stayed in his PJs all day and we played - oh the great, carefree life of a baby!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cloth Diapering: Day 1 & 2

Well, I was excited about our jump into cloth diapers, but now I realize how convenient disposables are! Ethan seems really happy in them though, especially since I let him hang around naked long enough to take these pics. Day 1 went pretty well, but Day 2 (today) we had a poopy mess! I thought he was pretty predictable with the dirty diapers, so we had planned to use disposable liners to make it easier. Well, that didn't really go so well...

If you are interested in the non-dirty details, we're using the BumGenius FLIP system, which is basically a one-size wipeable fabric cover that goes over an absorbent insert. You don't need to change the cover each time, since it doesn't touch the waste. For the insert, we're using several layers of microfiber and prefold diapers (similar to the Gerber kind often used for burp cloths). There are tons of snaps to adjust the rise and waist, so you can use the same covers all the way through potty training.

They are more bulky than I expected. Ethan is already in 12 month clothes and the cloth diaper makes him look like a sumo wrestler. We're moving on to Day 3, but hopefully it gets a little easier! Here are some big smiles and adorable arm rolls...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We have a crawler!

We've been waiting for this day! He's been lifting up on his knees and scooting around for awhile now, but hadn't quite learned how to maneuver his arms correctly. On Friday, he crawled forward a few inches and since then, he can go 4-5 feet before getting bored. We usually have to entice him with items that he normally doesn't get to play with (remote control, cell phone, or in the case of this video, a tupperware container of baby lotion! lol). Here is a short video taken the same day as these pics: ETHAN CRAWLING

Friday, February 3, 2012

Green grass in January!

There isn't too much green grass, but 60 degrees is pretty much unheard of for an Illinois January. We've probably had 10+ days of this weather and we are LOVING it! Ethan and I went out to the backyard, watched the dogs play and took a few pictures. He loves being outside and I can't wait to take him to some parks this spring.

Squirmy baby = Happy baby!

Ethan seems thrilled when he squirms away from me! I end up with 100's of blurry pics and he scoots away with a smile on his face! Here he is showing me his adorable, "What, Mom?" face, playing with his feet while I was trying to get some sitting up pictures, and showing off a sideways smile. I love the little guy - cooperating or not. At least we have fun with our attempts!!

7 Months... you crept up on us!

Of course Ethan is growing and the time is passing quickly, but the time period between 6-7 months went exceptionally fast. Each month is more fun than the last, especially because he learns so many new skills. He is now sitting up really well, reaching and grabbing for things (and actually getting them), and even trying to crawl! Instead of getting up on all fours, he does a sort of "army crawl". He inches forward and then uses his arms to drag his lower body around. He has also slept exceptionally well these past week - I hope he keeps it up!!

Sunshine, oh how we love you!

We've had some beautiful weather these past few days. The sunshine is awesome, but sometimes the wind makes it a little chilly, so Ethan has to wear his hat. I love how it shows off those chubby cheeks. I thought his facial expression was so cute in this picture and I love seeing those bright blue eyes!